Joint seminar of the universities of Athens-Heidelberg-Gottingen-Freiburg-Konstanz
Posted by Calavros Admin
Posted Apr 2018
Members of our law firm attended an event held by Sakkoulas Publications on April 20, 2018 in the Athens Concert Hall, regarding the ten years anniversary of the launch of the legal magazine “Civil Procedure Law Review” (Epitheorisi Politikis Dikonomias). The event was structured as a debate between Judges of the Supreme Court and highly respected professors of Civil Procedure around distinctive rulings of the Supreme Court.
Professor Constantin Calavros debated over the consequences of the violation of a provisional order in view of Supreme Court’s ruling no. 20/2015 (Full Court). Pr. Calavros strongly supported that the consequences of a provisional order, whereas the petition of interim measures is rejected, are abrogated ex tunc. Hence, since the petition is finally rejected, any legal act such as a sale of real-estate cannot be considered null and void, albeit the seller has violated the provisional order.
Posted by Calavros Admin
Posted by Calavros Admin
Posted by Calavros Admin