Joint seminar of the universities of Athens-Heidelberg-Gottingen-Freiburg-Konstanz
Posted by Calavros Admin
Posted Jan 2019
By virtue of an unprecedented ministerial decision the ownership of 10,119 public immovable assets was transferred by the Greek State to the “Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A.” in order for the latter to use them as collaterals or make use of them by other means for the payment of the Hellenic Republic’s creditors. Most of these assets are considered to be assets of common use and therefore “outside of the field of transactions”. More specifically, the said decision concerned public squares, playgrounds, parks, cemeteries and archaeological sites. Our law firm represented one of the Municipalities which applied for the annulment of the said decision. The respective petition was heard on January 22nd, 2019 before the 4th Section of the Council of State and the decision thereon is expected with great interest.
Posted by Calavros Admin
Posted by Calavros Admin
Posted by Calavros Admin