Posted Sep 2023
Our associate lawyer, Dr Evangelos Ziakas, will give a lecture on “The international jurisdiction of the member state courts for cyber-torts according to the recast Brussels I Regulation” as part of the German-Greek Congress of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and of the University of Leipzig held in the Law School of Athens on the 27th and 28th September 2023. The ubiquity of the online environment poses from a legal perspective a modern challenge, since clear connecting factorsin cases of online violations of personality rights, intellectual property rights, trademark and competition law will not necessarily always exist. The CJEU has over the last years developed in relation with torts committed through the use of the internet, particularly with regard to the place where the harm arose, a diverse approach, by affirming the international jurisdiction of the courts of all member-states, in the territory on which the illegal content was accessible, as well as, in certain cases, of the courts of member-states, in which the claimant has the centre of his interests.